ISS Satur8 500 gm

What if there was a guarantee that every workout could be better than the last, where a reaction among volumizing agents caused dynamic energy and super compensation within the muscle promoting and increase in strength, vascularity, muscle fullness and performance.


Serving Size 9.5 g (1 level scoop)
Servings Per Container 50
Container Size: 1.05 lbs

Amount Per Serving
Calories 12
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g
Total Carbohydrate 1g
Protein 2g
Satur8 (Performance Volumizing Cocktail) 8,000mg
Consisting of:
2CM (Dicreatine Malate) 3,000mg
Betapure (Betaine Anhydrous) + 2,000mg
Arginine AlphaKetoGluturate 1,000mg
L-Taurine 1,000mg
Glycovol (Glycocyamine) 500mg
Endurlac (Glucuronolactone) 500mg

Other Ingredients: Natural & Artificial Flavors, Citric Acid, Maltodextrin, Silicon Dioxide, Potassium Acelsulfame, Sucralose.

Directions: As a dietary supplement, mix 1 level scoop with 8-12 ounces of water. For maximum results, ISS recommends taking Satur8 twice daily, eight hours apart. On training days, take one of the daily servings 20 minutes before workout. Satur8 should be cycled two months on followed by one month off.

Price: $26.95
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Manufactured by ISS

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