Univ. BCAA Stack 250gr Grape

There are five compelling reasons why every athlete–from the bodybuilder to the endurance athlete–should supplement with BCAA Stack: (1) BCAA Stack offers a new and unique method of delivering important branched-chain amino acids and glutamine to your muscles; (2) these aminos are among the most thoroughly researched among all anabolic/anti-catabolic amino supplements; (3) BCAA Stack contains the “perfect,” scientifically-proven ratios of BCAAs and glutamine; (4) BCAAs and glutamine are the most important amino acids for the athlete who trains with intensity and the dieting athlete; and (5) no BCAA supplement works faster than BCAA Stack. While not as flashy or hyped as creatine, prohormones, or methoxy, BCAAs and glutamine may be more important than all the other supplements, especially if you are: (1) dieting or (2) training with high intensity with fewer rest days between each workout. When dieting or training hard, your body’s pool of these aminos drops–a condition that can negatively affect muscular development. BCAA Stack can replenish these pools. Clinical studies have shown that BCAAs and glutamine can provide a number of important benefits for athletes who are dieting or training hard. Branched-chain aminos and glutamine can, in specific ratios, (1) stimulate protein synthesis in skeletal muscle for enhanced lean mass accumulation; (2) boost your body’s immune system during chronic exercise; (3) spare liver and muscle glycogen stores for improved performance and endurance; (5) exert anti-catabolic effects (reduce muscle breakdown); (4) coupled with caloric restriction, BCAAs and glutamine can help your body selectively tap into fat stores while preserving lean mass; and (5) even serve as a fuel source during prolonged exercise when glycogen stores have been depleted (a fact that makes these aminos unique). This alone makes BCAA Stack invaluable for the athlete in a carb-depleted state (e.g., bodybuilder preparing for a contest, low carbers, endurance athletes). While studies are numerous, one fact remains constant: not just any ratio of BCAAs and glutamine will do. Landmark studies indicate that a 2:1:1 ratio of leucine to isoleucine to valine is most effective. Combined with the exact amount of glutamine, BCAA Stack is the “perfect” free form amino acid supplement in the world. So whether you’re a cyclist or a bodybuilder looking to preserve lean mass during a competitive season, you can’t afford to ignore BCAA Stack.

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Price: $17.89
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